Music of Me

This is partly inspired by a book by Nick Hornby called Songbook, partly by another of his books called High Fidelity, and mostly by my sudden need to write down crap about myself that I feel is somewhat relevent and/or important. My posts for a while will be a list of the ten most important albums in my life. They are listed chronologically in order of when I first listened to them. I guess this is my first attempt at some sort of autobiographical exploration...that said, I think I'll do this in installments, one or two a day, or month. More excuses to post that way. By no means am I making a claim that these albums should mean anything to anyone else, but if they do, well I'll probably never hear about it because no one will read this.

Friday, October 13, 2006


Okay, I've had this blog set up for over a year and this is my first post. Have I been too busy, too lazy, shy, uninspired, underprepared for the flood of nothing in particular that will surely arrive when I begin this process of coming up with witticisms and observations and random uncanniness? Yes to all.

I'll have no visions of grandeur here. I will make no claims to post every day, every week, month, or even ever again.

In all honesty, I laughed my ass off this morning reading the blog of a friend of mine whom I consider to be incredibly creative, well-worded, and damn funny. So, if nothing else, I wanted to post something after all this time of silence in a quasi-tribute to his hilarity. You (and by you I mean me) can read his thoughts here.


VP of Haterade said...
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VP of Haterade said...

I am embarrassed by your kind words regarding my blog Mike. It means a lot for you to say such complimentary things in front of the entire world like that. And by "entire world" I mean "you and me."

Dr. Rock said...

Props to my peeps, J. Peeps to my props.