Music of Me

This is partly inspired by a book by Nick Hornby called Songbook, partly by another of his books called High Fidelity, and mostly by my sudden need to write down crap about myself that I feel is somewhat relevent and/or important. My posts for a while will be a list of the ten most important albums in my life. They are listed chronologically in order of when I first listened to them. I guess this is my first attempt at some sort of autobiographical exploration...that said, I think I'll do this in installments, one or two a day, or month. More excuses to post that way. By no means am I making a claim that these albums should mean anything to anyone else, but if they do, well I'll probably never hear about it because no one will read this.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Word to Your Mother

1. To the Extreme - Vanilla Ice
Yes indeed. This was the very first album I bought on my own. I was 11 and I just walked in to a Musicland and paid my 8 or 9 bucks for a cassette tape containing what was nothing short of artistic mastery. Did I use the words printed on the inside of the case to memorize every song? Damn near. I never could quite figure out how to sing along with "Having a Roni". It was also the first music I kept hidden from my parents. Rap, rebellion, a white boy with shaky street cred, loss of innocence...
Thank you Mr. Van Winkle.

1 comment:

VP of Haterade said...

He nailed Madonna you know... So his career wasn't completely useless. Remember, she used to be hot way back when.